Vedic Education

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Vedic Scripture Classes

From the time man stepped on the canvas of world history, space-time has been shrinking continuously. Today, in the silicon and micro-processor age, the speed has picked up even more rapidly. For most people who have dedicated their lives in the pursuit of material knowledge and wealth with dedication and passion, there comes a time when they find their system overloaded with information.

Sensory overload from the ever changing outside world creates a crisis, in the pause of the moment one asks; is there anything else beyond the material reference frame that is relatively more stable and permanent? This is not a new question for the human race. Long, long time ago in the Indus-Saraswati valley, a very small group of people (Rishis) asked the same question and came up with answers. They put forth their answers in a very logical and systematic way in the Vedas.

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Sanskrit Classes

At Arya Samaj we hold an evening class for adults in Sanskrit grammar and simple conversation. This was started at the request a group of people who have been taking classes in the Upanishads for a while and felt the desire to get a little deeper into subject. The Vedas and the Upanishads are all originally written in Sanskrit.

But why does one need a mathematical precision in day to day language, because human conversation is loaded with fuzzy logic and fuzzy mathematics? Expression of human thoughts in Sanskrit is not only poetry, a symphony of rhythms and beats, but carries the rigors and precision of thought process that does not allow multiple interpretations and remains invariant with respect to time and space.This precision comes with a price! That is why today Sanskrit is a nearly dead language.

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Meditation Classes

In order to relax and refresh our minds we hold Meditation classes, which are conducted by Acharya Dr. Harish Chandra ji and a certified Teacher Dr. Anjana Dhingra ji. The beauty of this class is that meditation is explained from not only a mind and spirit perspective, but also from a physiological and psychological point of view. This approach lends itself to a very unique experience of one’s inner self and communion with the higher being.If you are inspired to partake in this wonderful journey of learning and self-introspection